Can maternity and sensuality go together? Claudia (modeling and mum to be) at Brixton Spiritual Community and I think so! We believe a woman’s body during the maternity stage is a true form of art and deserves to be immortalized with great photography.
I’ve met Claudia at a mutual friend’s party a few years ago and I remember clicking immediately with her. She is a creative and spent some years experimenting with paintings, graphic design and lastly embracing the Yoga discipline. We kind of lost contact throughout the years but when I recently found out that she was at her 39th week pregnacy my heart filled with deep joy for her.
Claudia is a very special woman, beautiful inside and out! She is so happy and I can’t wait to hear the good news and meet her new baby girl!
Claudia was a great model and an inspiring collaborator, her creative inputs have helped to obtain some awesome maternity photos. These below are my favorite photographs…
So.. are you ready to immortalize your beautiful belly with Marta Demartini Photography?
I will deliver you with the best photo session experience, nurturing and supporting you, a strong powerful woman on her most important mission in her lifetime.
Please CONTACT ME for a full information package of a creative pregnancy photo session.
Happy Pregnancy! Marta Demartini
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